Nuria Soeharto


(Late) David Hakken
(Late) David Hakken

I have known Nuria for 15 years. She sought me out to help her organize a session on Internet and Identity for the third triennial conference in 2002 of the journal Antropologi Indonesia. This initially purely cyberspace activity was both quite enjoyable and successful. The papers for the session were published in 2004.

Nuria is an excellent networker, able to see what motivates people and respond to it in a helpful way. Her networking skills carry her interests easily across cultural boundaries and supporting her very broad range of personal interests. These skills are central to her ability to pursue her core intellectual interests, which central very much on how mediated communication, especially new form of mediation, impact on and are impacted by broader social practices. She, like all of us, frames her understanding of these dynamics initially in terms of her own culture, but very quickly turns to interrogating her own understanding from a cross-cultural perspective. Of particular advantage is her long practical experience in doing a wide variety of jobs in electronic communication. Nuria unique perspective is communicated in her writing style, where at least in English she has constructed a unique voice. Her hunger to learn more is evident, as is her desire to experience more. 

(Late) David Hakken, Information Ethnographer
Prof. of Social Informatics, Indiana University, USA

John Beaumont
John Beaumont

Nuria is certainly to be ranked amongst the best researchers I’ve met. Flexible, adaptable, and instantly likeable, Nuria is observant and wonderfully creative with a gift for quick and insightful analyses.

John Beaumont, Senior Legal Counsel, Saudi Aramco

Oskar Lehner
Oskar Lehner

Nuria is a bright and extremely capable employee, volunteering to take on the more challenging tasks and using her initiative to improve the quality of the media department's contribution to the mission. Media monitoring demands a meticulous attention to detail as well as a quick and reliable decision-making. Nuria has these qualities in abundance as well as excellent analytical and translation skills. She is also highly personable and a pleasant colleague who works very well in a team. Her communication skills are of a very high standard and she has worked patiently in a sometimes stressful environment, meeting deadlines efficiently and in good time.

Oskar Lehner, Former Deputy Head of Mission, EU-EOM 2004

(Late) Riga Adiwoso
(Late) Riga Adiwoso

Nuria is a person who is not afraid to air her own opinions, and is very creative in her thought processes. She is intrigued by many new things, and often challenged old ideas. She is also a person who is not afraid to work hard in pursuing her interests. She has the intellectual capability to absorb and learn new thoughts and ideas, and is very broad-minded, not encapsulated by any cultural prejudices or views. 

(Late) Riga Adiwoso, Senior Lecturer, Magister Management, Universitas Indonesia

Rahartati Bambang
Rahartati Bambang

Nuria is a super crazy wanderer, super stubborn companion, super smart interlocutor. She is also a super passionate mountaineer and super eccentric backpacker. 

A super bizarre experience occurred during our three-months-journey together in Paris. She mostly disappeared. All alone. And super odd thing happened in Arles, South of France. I must join colleagues-translators from several countries at the Collège International des Traducteurs Littéraires. She chose not to come with me, but to go rafting somewhere unknown to me. Yet on my last day, she showed up at the Collège precisely while I was packing, ready for Paris!

Nuria is a fun partner to talk to, though she often makes me confused. Only God knows where her mind leads. But looking at where you stand today, Nuria, I have only few words to sum up, “You are super amazing! I am super proud of you!" 

Rahartati Bambang, French-Indonesian Translator for ASTERIX comic books.

Owen Podger

I had the privilege and pleasure to work with Nuria on the Aceh Local Governance Programme (ALGAP II) in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, a project that is financed by the European Union in the context of the peace building process in Aceh and is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit(GTZ). 

Nuria’s artistic work helped to make the materials easily understood. Her posters, and those prepared by other based on the thematic work she prepared, helped promote the workshops and the principles of good governance on which the special autonomy law is based.

She also did sub-editorial work and artwork for my detailed commentary on the law, resulting in an attractive publication that remains the only work of its kind, an effort of lasting value.

Nuria is a most pleasant person to work with. She is polite, hard-working, and creative in linking visuals with text for presentations, posters and books. I am sure her competence goes beyond what I appreciated on this interesting and successful assignment. 

Owen Podger, Director for Governance and Accountability, Osana International

Reynold Feldman
Reynold Feldman, PhD

I met Nuria at an international youth conference I directed in Jakarta in 2001. She attended a follow-up conference in Colorado in 2003 and a third in Morocco in 2006. We have stayed in touch since then. She is bright, articulate, hard-working, linguistically talented, and mission driven. A fun and fine friend to hang out with. 

Reynold Feldman, Author at Wisdom Factors International.